The College is Under the University of Calcutta
Established in 1966
Grade B NAAC Accreditation 2016
1.Kidderpore College organised Special Lecture Programme on
Weather Hazards in India : Risks & Migrations Date :09.10.2018 (12 P.M)
Speaker: Prof L.N.Satpati Director, UGC-HRDC, University of Calcutta, Organised by Department of Geography.
2. A Seminar on Nationalism West and East: Tagore in Perspective on 10th May, 2016, was organised to mark the Golden Jubilee of the college.
3.The Department of English organised an inter-college Students’ Seminar on The Country and the City: Studies in Nineteenth Century English Literature on 18th January 2016.
4. Students’ Seminar organised by the Department of English on Nature in English Poetry on 24th February 2015.
5.On the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda the Departments of English and Bengali organised a Seminar on Swami Vivekananda, on 28th January 2013.
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